This website is dedicated to
revealing the truth by making government
and court records available for public review
Judge Brett Kavanaugh
Attorney John H. Clarke, grand jury witness Patrick Knowlton, and researcher Hugh Turley co-authored the final twenty pages of Ken Starr's Report on the Death of Vincent W. Foster, Jr.

Patrick Knowlton
Hugh Turley
John H Clarke
The leading experts
on the death of Vincent Foster are
available for interviews and public speaking
Welcome to our website about the murder of Vince Foster, Deputy White House Counsel under President Clinton. Brett Kavanaugh was in charge of the Foster death investigation and led the cover-up inside the Office of the Independent Counsel. A federal court ordered Independent Counsel Ken Starr to include evidence, found in government records, of an FBI cover-up, to the final Report.
Vince Foster

The courage to tell the truth against overwhelming odds began with Patrick Knowlton's childhood.
from Amazon books
Brett Kavanaugh's report on Vincent Foster's death includes evidence of a murder cover-up.
David Martin, the world's leading author on the murder of Vince Foster has now written the complete story.
Published Septembr 24, 2020
Available from Amazon books

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
My Sinister Battle with Brett Kavanaugh Over the Truth
by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
The Telegraph October 3, 2018
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Hugh Turley and William Ramsey discuss David Martin's book
Professor Darrell Hamamoto interviews author David Martin